Closing Announcement
It is time.
I have made the extremely difficult decision to close my coaching practice by April 30, 2024. I have now worked at Catholic Community Services for just about 8 months as a youth and family crisis therapist. I’ve done my best to give my coaching clients the best during this change. And it has become very clear that I won’t be able to keep doing my best if I continue.
Please let me know by April 19th, if you’d like to schedule a closing session.
Take care of yourself the best you can and trust yourself to have the answers or find the answers and support that you need.
Below are coaches that are queer, fat, and/or trans that could provide the support you may be looking for.
Jo Walduck - Recovery Coach...she's also sober.
River at A New Voice - Recovery Coaching and Meal Support
Jex Calvert - RD and meal support
With all my queer, fat, trans love!